We’re proud to offer fast ground shipping on every product we sell.
Expedited Shipping IS AVAILABLE! Just give us a call at 855-460-6800.
Orders for in-stock items usually take 24-48 hours to process and can reach our customers within 5-7 business days, or earlier! If an item is out of stock, we’ll get in touch with you to discuss options.
When you place an order, we will estimate delivery dates based upon the availability of your item(s) and your shipment's destination.
Some products cannot be shipped to international destinations so please give us a call at 855-460-6800 if you would like to discuss international ordering options.
We’re proud to offer free freight shipping to locations in the continental U.S.
Freight items are not returnable, so please take advantage of our Guaranteed Fit program by placing your order by phone!
Freight shipments are delivered by appointment. The delivery company will contact you to set up a time, so be sure to include a valid phone number during checkout.
*Must be 18 or older to accept freight and other signature-required shipments.
Freight shipments will arrive on either a semi truck or a box truck, but they may not be equipped with a liftgate. Be aware that if the delivery truck does not have a liftgate, the customer is responsible for removing the item(s) from the truck.
To ensure a truck equipped with a liftgate, get in touch with us prior to placing your order.
Note that a liftgate only takes the item(s) from the truck to the ground beside the truck. Customers are responsible for moving the item to its desired location.
All freight shipments must be inspected before accepting delivery and signing the delivery receipt and/or bill of lading.
Inspect the outside of the product and its packaging for any damage AND open the packaging to inspect the product.
If damage is present in packaging or product, do not accept delivery and do not sign the delivery receipt. Return the product and any paperwork to the driver and call us right away at 855-460-6800.
To cancel an order, go to our order status page and select the product(s) you wish to cancel. Orders are processed fast, so it’s possible your order could be on its way. If this is the case, it may need to go through the Returns process. Don’t worry, we’ll walk you through it.
Orders can be delayed for several reasons, including weather, differences in address or banking information, production delay, etc. If your order is delayed, we’ll be in touch to let you know.